The new DJSI Member Emblem can be used in your communication and added to your social media posts. It is available as a Black and White version and can be placed on a colored background. Check out some creative examples of the Emblem use. The use of the Emblem is subject to acceptance of our terms and conditions of use.
Download your DJSI Member Emblem hereFollow S&P Global on X and the S&P Global CSA LinkedIn page for all the latest posts and to amplify our campaign across your company’s own social media channels.
Tag S&P Global and the CSA using our respective handles:
LinkedIn: @SPGlobal and @Corporate Sustainabilty Assessment
X: @SPGlobal
Facebook: @sandpglobal
Instagram: @SP_Global
YouTube: SPGlobal
WeChat: S&P Global (标普全球)
Relevant hashtags:
Two example social media posts
1. Proud to be included among global #sustainability leaders in the #DJSI.
2. [INSERT COMPANY NAME] has been included in the #DJSI! Congratulations to our #sustainability peers.
A press release will be issued on Friday, December 8 to announce the results of the annual DJSI review. You can access that press release here.
*Please be advised that S&P Global does not review or approve press releases or comment on communication plans.