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About S&P Global
Corporate Responsibility
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Since we published this report last year, the feeling of uncertainty and volatility throughout the world has continued. People are managing through two wars, the polarization of politics, energy transition, and regional divergence in inflation and monetary policy.
In this challenging environment, responsible leadership is needed now more than ever. Customers, investors, employees, governments and community-based organizations want to see businesses lead with transparency, honesty, dependability, and accountability.
At S&P Global, we’re guided by the core values of integrity, discovery and partnership, and a unifying purpose to “Accelerate Progress.” This means we’re committed to always do the right thing, dedicated to innovation and excited by collaboration in our drive to produce the sharpest insights, richest data, and most robust benchmarks and analytics to help our customers move markets and economies forward.
Accelerate Progress applies to more than just our work with customers. It also means we’re focused on supporting our people and the communities where they live and work. In 2023, for example, we enhanced our global mental health and wellbeing programs, our team of full-time career coaches engaged with more of their co-workers than ever, and more of our people spent more time volunteering.
I’m very proud of our people and everything they accomplished in 2023. You’ll read about their impact throughout the following pages. While we have made solid progress – whether by creating sustainability-focused products and services to meet the evolving needs of markets or by the increasing use of renewable energy in our facilities – we know more work needs to be done. We’re committed to continual improvement.
I thank our people across the globe for everything they do to contribute to a better, more sustainable future.
I especially want to convey my appreciation to the dedicated teams responsible for producing this publication. The work they do plays a vital role in providing transparency about the ways we conduct ourselves across communities, markets and economies.
And I thank you for your interest in S&P Global.