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During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world realized that supply chains are fragile and can have significant national strategic implications, especially at a time when geopolitical competition is on the rise.
Recent attacks on shipping in the Red Sea further show that the pre-pandemic world, where supply chains were largely undisrupted and efficient, is unlikely to return. These developments have enabled a widespread reevaluation of the global wave of outsourcing that began in the 1990s. Today, the term "supply chain" is an all-encompassing catchphrase spanning international trade, logistics and manufacturing in the context of both corporate operations and national economic security.
It is a broad topic, but S&P Global has the advantage of drawing on deep expertise across the enterprise to frame major themes and offer a glimpse of the future.
For this inaugural issue of Look Forward: Supply Chain, we tapped into the knowledge of multiple specialists in areas such as labor, mobility, geopolitics, decarbonization, shipping and international trade to present a series of articles that delve beyond the headlines and provide critical insights to our customers worldwide. Our deep dive into electric vehicles and batteries is a great example of how technology and geopolitics are reshaping global supply chains.
At S&P Global, we recognize that the world is in a state of transition and growing increasingly complex every day, which is reflected in the new risks associated with supply chains. We aim to go beyond what is expected and seek new levels of understanding to help companies, governments and individuals make an impact on tomorrow. This report is a product of that commitment, and we hope it will be of value to our readers.
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President, S&P Global Mobility
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President & CEO, S&P Global
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Vice President, Maritime & Trade
Peter Tirschwell is Vice President for Maritime & Trade at S&P Global Market Intelligence, a leading global provider of maritime data, analysis, consulting and media.
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Executive Editor, Maritime & Trade
Chris Brooks is executive editor for Maritime & Trade at S&P Global Market Intelligence.
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Head of Supply Chain Research
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Principal Analyst, Ship Characteristics
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Research and Analysis Executive Director
Carlos Cardenas manages S&P Global Market Intelligence's Latin America Country Risk team. He covers Latin American politics as well as the region's security and business environment assessing risks such as expropriation, non-payment, contract frustration, civil unrest, business disruption, extortion, kidnapping, crime and terrorism.
S&P Global Mobility
Director, Electrification Technology Research, Automotive Supply Chain & Technology
Graham Evans leads and manages the global research practice for Propulsion, Battery, Charging and Thermal Systems component forecasting, comprising seventeen analysts based in major automotive markets globally.
S&P Global Ratings
Managing Director & Sector Lead Autos EMEA
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Research Analyst
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Senior Economist, Europe Economics
S&P Global Mobility
Director, Supply Chain and Technology
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Product Management Associate Director, Maritime, Trade & Supply Chain
Turloch Mooney leads S&P Global Market Intelligence Port Analytics team and is an expert in port infrastructure and investment.
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Research Director, Metals and Mining Research
Kevin Murphy is a Research Director for Metals and Mining Research with S&P Global Market Intelligence and is based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia. He manages a group of analysts with the Metals & Mining Research group and writes analysis on various aspects of the industry including exploration, discoveries and production pipelines.
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S&P Global Ratings
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S&P Global Ratings
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David Tesher is a Managing Director and the Head of U.S. Corporate Research at S&P Global Ratings.
S&P Global Ratings
Director, Global Social Specialist, Sustainability Research
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Managing Editor, Global Container Markets
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Economics Associate Director, Pricing & Purchasing
Ashima Tyagi is an economics associate director at Pricing & Purchasing Service, Global Intelligence & Analytics
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Vice-President, Global Economics
Ken Wattret is the Global Economist within the Analysis and Insights team at S&P Global Market Intelligence.
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