West AfricanResources Ltd. said July 18 that diamond core drilling at the M1South prospect, within the Tanlouka gold project in Burkina Faso, intersected 1meter at 1,107.5 g/t of gold.
The bonanza grade was found within an intersect of 18 metersat 82.28 g/t of gold from a depth of 98 meters in TAN16-DD044.
The same hole also returned 3 meters at 145.99 g/t of goldfrom a depth of 125 meters.
Meanwhile, strong results were found from the deepestintercept to date with TAN16-DD045 returning 4 meters at 43.16 g/t of gold from174 meters depth, including 1 meter at 169.7 g/t of gold, confirming depthpotential of the prospect, Managing Director Richard Hyde said.
The latest results were in addition to the and534.45 g/t of goldhits in March.
Mineral resource studies, due in the third quarter, are inprogress for the M1, M3 and M5 prospects.
A feasibility study investigating the combination of highgrade gold mineralization from M1 with the predominantly oxide mineralizationfrom M5 is underway, funded by a A$12.5 million capital raising.