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General Finance revises FY'16 outlook


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General Finance revises FY'16 outlook

's management nowbelieves that consolidated adjusted EBITDA for fiscal year 2016 will be 26% to 28%lower compared with fiscal year 2015.

The companyhad projected consolidatedadjusted EBITDA to be 18% to 28% lower than that of fiscal year 2015.

General Financealso expects consolidated revenues for the current fiscal year to be between $275million and $285 million. The company based its outlook on its fiscal year-to-dateresults, conditions in the oil and gas market, and its estimate for the value ofthe Australian dollar versus the U.S. dollar. The outlook also considers the impactof the current fiscal year acquisitions completed to date.

The companyreported a net loss attributable to common stockholders of $3.3 million, or 13 centsper share, for the fiscal third quarter of 2016, compared with a net loss attributableto stockholders of $1.7 million, or 7 cents per share, in the year-ago fiscal quarter.Operating income for the period was $953,000, compared with $6.5 million a yearearlier.