Argentina wipes out the tracks of Kirchnerism; budget-deficientDilma Rousseff goes crowd funding; and a Mexican bank takes a step toward genderinclusion.
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They have beenprominent images in Argentina for some time, the country's former Kirchner leadershad a cult-like campaign built around them but that is now being tempered by theirsuccessor Mauricio Macri, The Economist reports.Museums and cultural centers dedicated to Néstor Kirchner and his wife ChristinaFernández de Kirchner are being overhauled as "part of a broader effort tobanish the national personality that Ms Fernández had created around herself andher husband." Included in the artifacts being cleared away are those of leftistpersonalities adulated by the couple, to give way to busts of all of the country'spresidents, including even the cruelest of dictators. "You can't leave outthe ones you don't like," a cultural director points out, as the effort promotesa more holistic, albeit dark, picture of the country's political history. While"Kirchneristas detect authoritarian impulses behind the restoration of dictators'portraits and the removal of leftist imagery," they won't gain any timely supportfrom the general public, as many believe Christina Kirchner is complicit to a coupleof corruption scandals battering the country.
Rousseffresorts to crowd-funding for impeachment campaign finance
As governmentfunding thins out for Brazil's suspended president, Dilma Rousseff, the embattledleader is turning to a crowd funding effort to finance a campaign aimed at revitalizingher public image, the Financial Timeswrites. Rousseff, who is planning to fly around the country to drum up support againsther impeachment, but is being prevented from using any government-owned jets, claimsthat a crowd funding for her cause has already exceeded its original target amount.However, most of the success of the "travel odyssey" is reliant on Rousseff'spublic speaking capability, something that she doesn't really excel at, the reportnotes. Yet, while Rousseff's rhetorical ineptitude could cost her a comeback tothe presidency, her fierce rival to the position, Michel Temer, is also not "outof the woods yet," as his involvement in the country's corruption fiasco istoo close for comfort.
Brazil'sRousseff Gets Olympics Invite and Chance to Face Foe
Tensions willrun high in the Rio Olympics not only for the athletes and fans but also for thecountry's top political rivals, who are expected to come in close contact at thegames' opening ceremony, Bloomberg News reports. Suspended president Rousseff garneredan invite for the games' opening event and will be staying in an exclusive "placeof honor," which will put her at a hair's breadth of her bitter foe, interimpresident Michel Temer. Rousseff rallied hard in social media to get the invite,proclaiming that she is "the mother and Lula is the father of the Olympic games,"referring to former president and ally Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. With the suspendedpresident calling Temer and his allies "coup mongers," the impending encounterof the two adversaries will surely be a tense moment in Brazil's history.
Banamexoffers 42 days of rest to new parents, including same-sex couples
is takinga step toward gender diversity with its inclusion of same-sex couples in its 42-dayleave policy for those that are adopting a child, according to El Financiero. Jacobo Fuentes, the bank'sassistant director of Diversity, Sports and Culture, says Banamex is the first inthe system to offer such employee benefits, adding that "times have changedand companies must provide equal opportunities and recognize the talent of people,as all of that creates an inclusive organizational climate." Fuentes stressesthat "this generates a virtuous circle where people are happy to work and arenot excluded, generating productivity and helping us as a company."