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Editor's picks for best US financial stories of 2018


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Editor's picks for best US financial stories of 2018

Editors chose stories about the new CEO pay ratio, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and changes in the House Financial Services Committee as some of their top picks of 2018.

Banks gear up for CECL practice run

Banks are readying dry runs of their loan portfolios to gauge their performance under the current expected credit loss model, or CECL.

In CEO pay ratio, US banks' focus is on median employee compensation

Compensation experts said median employee compensation figures captured investor attention after the SEC asked companies to disclose the compensation of their median employee and the ratio between that individual and the chief executive officer.

Bank i-banking competition bigger in Texas

Texas has long been a hotbed of activity for bank M&A, and competition among depository-focused investment banks in the state is fierce.

SEC enforcement unit, stretched thin, faces rising tide of whistleblower tips

The SEC Enforcement Division has faced budget cuts, and with new threats to investors like fraudulent initial coin offerings, efforts of unofficial watchdogs and tipsters have become more important in policing the fraud-filled market where many small-cap stocks trade.

Financial consumer agency's powerful investigative tool faces overhaul

The head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has an opportunity to cap the power of the civil investigative demand process.

Digital lenders price loans inside a black box of alternative data

Most digital lenders are using alternative data to gauge the creditworthiness of a consumer. They believe their success is dependent on how well their underwriting models work and what data they include.

Waters plans financial services agenda should Democrats flood the House

The consensus among Capitol Hill insiders is that Rep. Maxine Waters, a shoo-in for chair of the House Financial Services Committee, will have the strongest chance of getting legislation to President Donald Trump's desk. She would also use the full force of the majority party to bring Trump's officials before the committee.

Matters requiring attention, bank regulators' informal red flag, up for reform

A "matters requiring attention" notice is an option in the regulatory toolbox to highlight emerging issues at a bank. But as the fake-accounts scandal at Wells Fargo proved, this type of informal red flag is not always effective.

Hurricane Maria: 1 year on, Puerto Rican bankers recall a 'desperate time'

In all the reports of catastrophic damage to Puerto Rico's electric grid and telecommunications systems, Hurricane Maria's impact on the banking industry has been somewhat overlooked. Bankers in Puerto Rico tell stories of abandoning protocols and taking extraordinary steps to keep serving customers.

CFPB has fined Wells Fargo more than all other companies, combined

Under interim Director Mick Mulvaney, there has been a drop in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau enforcement actions, with an exception for Wells Fargo, which paid a total of $627.6 million in civil penalties on the regulator's orders. Most of Wells Fargo's bill has come under Mulvaney.