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Insurance ratings actions, July 22


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Insurance ratings actions, July 22

S&P Global Market Intelligencecompiles ratings actions in the insurance space daily through 5:30 p.m. ET. Actionsafter 5:30 p.m. ET will be included in the following day's roundup.

Life and health

A.M.Best affirmedthe A+ financial strength ratings and "aa" issuer credit ratings of andits affiliates London Life InsuranceCo., Canada Life AssuranceCo., Great-West Life &Annuity Insurance Co. and Great-WestLife & Annuity Insurance Co. of New York, together referred to asthe Great-West Life Group.

The ratingagency also affirmed the A financial strength ratings and "a+" issuercredit ratings of London Life ReinsuranceCo., Canada Life InternationalRe Ltd. and London Life& Casualty (Barbados) Corp.

A.M.Best also affirmed the "a" issuer credit rating of Great-West Lifeco Inc.

The outlookfor each rating is stable.

A.M.Best said the affirmations reflect Great-West Life Group's highly diversified earningsprofile by product and geography, strong market position in its core business linesand solid regulatory capital levels. The ratings also reflect the earnings volatilityand challenges associated with the current low interest rate environment and volatileequity markets, the rating agency said, noting however that the group's life insuranceentities have not experienced the same level of earnings sensitivity from equitymarket volatility as its competitors.

Property and casualty

A.M.Best affirmedthe A+ financial strength rating and "aa-" issuer credit ratings of , ,ProAssurance Specialty Insurance Co.Inc. and ProAssuranceAmerican Mutual A Risk Retention Group.

The outlookfor each rating is stable.

The ratingagency also affirmed the A financial strength ratings and "a" issuer creditratings of Medmarc Casualty InsuranceCo. and Noetic SpecialtyInsurance Co. The outlook for the financial strength rating remainsstable, while the outlook for the issuer credit ratings remains positive.

Additionally,A.M. Best affirmed the A financial strength rating and "a" issuer creditrating of Podiatry Insurance Co. ofAmerica. The outlook for the issuer credit rating has been revised topositive from stable, while the outlook for the financial strength rating remainsstable. At the same time, A.M. Best affirmed the A- financial strength rating and"a-" issuer credit rating of PACOAssurance Co. Inc. The outlook for each rating remains stable.

A.M.Best also affirmed the A financial strength ratings and "a+" issuer creditratings of Eastern Alliance InsuranceCo., Allied Eastern IndemnityCo., Eastern AdvantageAssurance Co. and EasternRe Ltd. SPC. The outlook for each of the ratings is stable.

All ofthe companies are indirect subsidiaries of ProAssuranceCorp.

A.M.Best said the ratings affirmations of ProAssurance's members reflect their strongrisk-adjusted capitalization, favorable operating performance and strong businessprofile primarily in the medical professional liability insurance sector. The ratingsalso consider the group's market position across multiple jurisdictions and diversificationacross multiple disciplines within the medical professional liability space. Additionally,the ratings reflect the financial flexibility afforded to all of ProAssurance'ssubsidiaries.

The ratingsaffirmations of Medmarc and Noetic reflect ongoing improvements in underwritingresults after re-underwriting their multinational, large account medical devicebook of business since 2011 and expanded provision of its legal professional liabilitybook. The ratings affirmations of Podiatry Insurance and PACO Assurance reflectthe two companies' respective supportive capital positions and generally improvedoperating performance since being acquired by ProAssurance in 2010.

The affirmationsof Eastern Alliance, Allied Eastern, Eastern Advantage and Eastern Re reflect theirrespective balance sheet strength, strong underwriting and overall operating performance,well-defined business profiles, and an experienced, shared management team.

A.M.Best affirmedthe A++ financial strength ratings and "aa+" issuer credit ratings ofthe P&C subsidiaries of TravelersCos. Inc.

The companiesare St. Paul Fire and Marine InsuranceCo., St. Paul SurplusLines Insurance Co., TravelersCasualty Co., AmericanEquity Insurance Co., AmericanEquity Specialty Insurance Co., TravelersConstitution State Insurance Co., St. Paul Protective Insurance Co., Discover Property & Casualty Insurance Co., ,United States Fidelity and GuarantyCo., Fidelity and GuarantyInsurance Co., Fidelityand Guaranty Insurance Underwriters Inc., Northfield Insurance Co., Northland Casualty Co., Northland Insurance Co., St. Paul Guardian Insurance Co., St. Paul Mercury Insurance Co., Gulf Underwriters Insurance Co., Select Insurance Co., Travelers Casualty & Surety Co., Travelers Indemnity Co., Phoenix Insurance Co., Standard Fire Insurance Co., Travelers Casualty Insurance Co. of America, , ,Travelers Indemnity Co. of Connecticut,Charter Oak Fire Insurance Co.,Travelers Indemnity Co. of America,Travelers Casualty Co. of Connecticut,Travelers Commercial Casualty Co.,Travelers Commercial Insurance Co.,Travelers Property Casualty Co. ofAmerica, Travelers PropertyCasualty Insurance Co., TravCoInsurance Co., TravelersExcess and Surplus Lines Co., TravelersHome and Marine Insurance Co., TravelersPersonal Security Insurance Co., Travelers Personal Insurance Co., Travelers Lloyds Insurance Co. and Travelers Lloyds of Texas Insurance Co.

In addition,A.M. Best affirmed the A++ financial strength ratings and "aa+" issuercredit ratings of Travelers Casualtyand Surety Co. of America and affiliates Travelers Casualty and Surety Co. of Europe Ltd. and .

The ratingagency also affirmed the "a+" issuer credit rating of Travelers Cos. andits two wholly owned downstream holding companies, Travelers Property Casualty Corp. and Travelers Insurance Group Holdings Inc. A.M. Best also hasaffirmed the A financial strength rating and "a" issuer credit ratingof Dominion of Canada General InsuranceCo., the A financial strength rating and "a+" issuer creditrating of Premier Insurance Co. ofMassachusetts, and the A- financial strength rating and "a-"issuer credit rating of First FloridianAuto and Home Insurance Co.

The outlookfor each of the ratings is stable.

A.M.Best said the ratings affirmations on the P&C units reflect the group's solidrisk-adjusted capitalization, trend of favorable operating and underwriting results,excellent market profile in commercial and personal lines, and effective managementteam. The ratings of Travelers Casualty and Surety Co. of America and TravelersCasualty and Surety Co. of Europe primarily recognize the companies' strong consolidatedrisk-adjusted capitalization; specialized underwriting expertise; highly favorableunderwriting and operating performance; and leadership position in the surety, fidelityand management liability segments.

The ratingsof Travelers Insurance Co. of Canada reflect its superior risk-adjusted capitalization,favorable underwriting and operating profitability, excellent brand recognition,strong profile as a leading specialty lines writer in the surety and corporate managementliability segments.

The ratingsof Dominion reflect its solid risk-adjusted capitalization; excellent brand recognition;established nationwide Canadian market presence, with a focus in Ontario; and theimplicit and explicit support it receives from its parent.

The ratingsof Premier acknowledge its strong risk-adjusted capitalization, historically favorableoperating profitability, and the additional operational support and financial flexibilityafforded by the P&C units and its parent. The ratings of First Floridian recognizeits strong risk-adjusted capitalization, trend of highly profitable operating resultsin recent years, operating efficiencies and local market focus, and the additionaloperational support and financial flexibility afforded by its parent.

Moody'saffirmed the A1 insurance financial strength ratings of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. and its P&C affiliates.

The affectedcompanies are Crestbrook InsuranceCo., Farmland Mutual InsuranceCo., Nationwide AgribusinessInsurance Co., NationwideAssurance Co., NationwideGeneral Insurance Co., NationwideMutual Fire Insurance Co., NationwideProperty & Casualty Insurance Co., Scottsdale Insurance Co., Harleysville Insurance Co. of New Jersey, , ,Harleysville Insurance Co.,Harleysville Insurance Co. of NewYork and HarleysvilleWorcester Insurance Co.

The ratingagency also affirmed the A1 insurance financial strength ratings of Nationwide Mutual'sprimary life insurance affiliates NationwideLife Insurance Co. and NationwideLife & Annuity Insurance Co., along with the Baa1 senior debt ratingof the life group's direct holding company, NationwideFinancial Services Inc. The ratings outlook for Nationwide Mutual andall of its rated affiliates is stable.

Additionally,Moody's withdrew the A1 insurance financial strength rating with a stable outlookof Harleysville Pennland InsuranceCo. as a result of its reorganization.

Moody'ssaid the ratings affirmation of the P&C group reflects the company's franchisein personal insurance, excellent brand recognition, leading market positions insmall commercial and excess and surplus lines, strong product and geographic diversification,and sound balance sheet with a high-quality fixed-income portfolio. The affirmationof the ratings of Nationwide Financial Services and its operating subsidiaries reflectsthe group's established positions in the U.S. annuity and retirement market, diversifieddistribution channels, and strong capitalization at the operating company.

Thecompanies are units of NationwideMutual Group.