Case Study — 28 Mar, 2022

Helping Equipment Suppliers to the Metals & Mining Sector Gain Market Insights

This research and consultancy firm provides market intelligence to equipment suppliers focused on the Metals & Mining sector to help them better understand drivers of demand, related growth opportunities, and potential risks. This information is critical to support a company’s strategic planning efforts and financial forecasting. Finding relevant data can be a challenge, however, as specific information is scarce and often not granular enough to be meaningful.

Pain Points

Senior staff members at equipment providers to the Metals & Mining sector typically meet regularly with their internal strategy teams and investment committees to present performance forecasts and discuss where business opportunities might arise. They often struggle to provide reliable information, given their inability to find relevant supporting data. As a result, many turn to research firms for additional insights.

The lack of available data, in turn, often creates issues for these research firms when delivering on client requests. This particular firm’s Research Department found it necessary to go to numerous external sources of information to gain a comprehensive picture of the market for its clients. This was time consuming and increased the cost of data acquisition. The Research Department was looking for one provider that could deliver a broad and deep set of capabilities, including:

• A regional and global model to forecast key drivers of market activity, including commodity production, ore mined and processed, and capital investments — all of which drive demand for equipment.
• A breakdown of key drivers by type of mining and processing in order to match this data with their internal research regarding the expected size of the market for equipment.
• A target list of Metals & Mining companies and assets to help prioritize sales efforts based on the projected value of a new deal.
• The ability to benchmark an equipment company’s performance against its peers.

The strategic planning group evaluated the S&P Capital IQ platform and felt this S&P Global Market Intelligence solution would address these needs.

The Solution

The Market Intelligence team reviewed a range of capabilities, including their proprietary Metals & Mining solution, which provides deep mining sector data, research, analytics, and mining news in one integrated package. This includes details on worldwide exploration, development, production, mine costs, acquisition activity, commodity market forecasts, and credit risk assessments to support three key workflows:

  1. Product line market forecasting
  2. New business tracking and prioritization
  3. Competitor intelligence

1.   Product Line Market Forecasting

Individual mine models are updated twice a year and provide forecasts for the key drivers of demand for mining equipment, which are aggregated to present regional and global perspectives. The models include information on:

•   Ore mined, open pit
•   Ore mined, underground
•   Type of open pit and underground mining
•   Ore processed
•   Type of ore processing
•   Capital expenditure on sustaining a mine
•   Capital expenditure on building a mine
•   Location by country and region

2.   New Business Tracking and Prioritization

The Metals & Mining solution also tracks mining assets from exploration through to feasibility, development, and production to help firms guide their sales teams. Information includes:

•   Stage of development
•   Owner of the asset
•   Location
•   Sub-contractors working on the project
•   Mine and processing type
•   Expected size of the mine (ore processing and production)
•   Owner contacts
•   Owner financial performance

3.   Competitor Intelligence

Company financial data for service companies to the sector is also available, covering both public and private entities. Benchmarking information to evaluate the performance of peers includes:

•   Revenue
•   Profit
•   Regional footprint
•   Trading multiples

Additional Workflow Tools

The Metals & Mining solution also provides supplementary data, such as:

•   Market and asset-specific news
•   Exploration budgets
•   Regional macroeconomic forecasts
•   Commodity forecasts

Key Benefits

The market research and consultancy firm and their clients are benefiting from many aspects of the Metals & Mining solution:

Broad coverage and high-quality data from one source has reduced the time and cost involved in going to multiple providers to gain a comprehensive picture of the market.
An integrated platform with robust analytics to evaluate opportunities and potential risks has improved ongoing workflow efficiencies.
Granular asset data to forecast specific equipment lines is creating more reliable company performance models.
Tracking of assets throughout the entire development cycle is helping generate target lists to prioritize sales activities.
Peer group benchmarking is providing insightful information on the competitive landscape.

To learn more about our capabilities for the Metals & Mining industry click here.

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