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Roxgold reports 220,000 ounces of initial inferred gold resource at QV1


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Roxgold reports 220,000 ounces of initial inferred gold resource at QV1

Roxgold Inc.on April 27 reported an inferred mineral resource estimate of 563,000 tonnesgrading 12.14 g/t of gold for 220,000 ounces of gold at the QV1 target on the Yaramokopermit in Burkina Faso.

The NI 43-101 compliant estimate was based on 114 core boreholestotaling approximately 27,000 meters of drilling.

The company also said the target's structure remains open down plunge.

The QV1 target is located 1.8 kilometers south of the 55 zone and lieson the Yaramoko permit where the company is currently constructing theYaramoko goldproject expected to be completed in June.

Roxgold will also conduct further exploration at the QV Prime and footwall zones.

"As we continue to focus on delivering the Yaramoko gold project ontime and on budget, with first gold scheduled in June, we are encouraged tohave a second mineral resource on the Yaramoko permit that highlights theprospectivity of the permit and Roxgold's potential for organic growth,"said President and CEO John Dorward.