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Bridge Bancorp's longtime CFO moves back to COO role


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Bridge Bancorp's longtime CFO moves back to COO role

Bridgehampton,N.Y.-based Bridge Bancorp Inc.named Principal Accounting Officer and CFO Howard Nolan to serve as COO, with JohnMcCaffery set to take over as CFO.

The appointmentsare both for the company and its unit, BridgehamptonNational Bank. Nolan will also keep his position as senior executivevice president and corporate secretary, while McCaffery will also remain executivevice president and treasurer of the company and the bank.

Nolan servedas COO of the two institutionsbefore becoming the companies' permanent CFO in February 2008. (He was namedinterim CFO of the company and the unit in 2007.)

Also, KatherineO'Brien was named principal accounting officer. She has worked as vice presidentand director of financial reporting of the company since May.

The changeswill be effective the day following the filing of the company's Form 10-Q for thequarter ended June 30.