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Accurate data for better decisions

Find discrepancies in our data and we will donate $50.

Quality is not just a part of our business - it's our passion.

We go to great lengths to provide clients with the highest quality data they can use to make decisions with conviction. We run over 170,000 automated data quality checks and review content multiple times before publishing. But if something seems off in our data, please let us know so we can look into it immediately.

Submit a data Issue

We investigate every issue to ensure our data is reliable and complete

If you spot something wrong, we’ll make it right. Our analysts get to work to review your submission and validate the discrepancy to ensure our data is accurate, relevant, and complete. If the issue is verified, we promptly correct the data and conduct a root-cause analysis to get to the bottom of the issue.

See the step-by-step process

  • Make an impact and donate to charity
  • Diversifying Tech & Data
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Creating Environmental Resilience
  • Disaster Response

Our Commitment to Quality Data is Unmatched

For over 20 years, our Quality Program has been dedicated to ensuring data excellence. As a thank you, we issue a $50 reward for each verified mistake or omission you bring to our attention. Effective October 1, 2024, we will transition from our $50 gift card reward. Instead, we will partner with the S&P Global Foundation to donate $50 to charity and send you a thank you letter spotlighting the charity that received the donation. This initiative enhances data quality and supports inclusive, sustainable economies and thriving global communities.

Each half-year, we will direct these donations to one of our strategic focus areas: Diversifying Tech and Data, Equity and Inclusion, Creating Environmental Resilience, or Global Disaster Response. Learn more about the causes we support and some of our vetted partners in the following tabs.

Diversifying Tech & Data

Our goals:
  • Diversify the tech sector
  • Build generational wealth by opening job training and placement opportunities to underrepresented communities

What our grantees do:
  • Increase representation of women, people of color, and veterans in the technology and data sectors
  • Increase ability for underrepresented communities to access well-paying quality jobs in the tech industry
  • De-bias AI, machine learning and evolving tech system

A few of our grantee partners include:
Chicas en Tecnología
Breaking Barriers

Equity & Inclusion

Our goals:
  • Increase participation of women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups in global economies
  • Close the gender and race income gaps

What our grantees do:
  • Develop workforce readiness and job search skills for women, refugees and other underrepresented groups
  • Provide the resources women and refugee entrepreneurs need to succeed, such as mentoring and access to capital
  • Advocate for policies that support women in entering and succeeding in the workforce, such as affordable and flexible education, fair wages and childcare

A few of our grantee partners include:
Anti-Defamation League
Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Stop AAPI Hate
Human Rights Campaign
Lambda Legal

Creating Environmental Resilience

Our goals
  • Help vulnerable communities adapt to new climate realities
  • Educate local communities and key influencers on climate change

What our grantees do
  • Minimize environmental and human risks associated with disasters
  • Provide education around individual ‘green’ behaviors
  • Revitalize, protect and restore green spaces

A few of our grantee partners include:
Resilient Cities Network
Trust for Public Land

Disaster Response

Our Goals

  • Provide aid to global communities who have suffered from some form of disaster with a focus on resiliency.

What our grantees do?

  • Provide humanitarian relief internationally by equipping doctors and nurseswith life-saving medical resources
  • Provide direct medical aid where it is needed most
  • Partner with local healthcare and public health systems to ensure sustainable change

A few of our grantee partners include:

Direct Relief
Medecins Sans Frontieres/ Doctors Without Borders
Project Hope

What qualifies as a verified mistake or omission?

A data quality issue is public company data or S&P Global Market Intelligence’s proprietary data that is incomplete, has not been updated within our standard timelines, contains textual errors or typos resulting in incorrect content, or numbers in financial fields or ratios. Some exclusions apply.

View full coverage details

Have you identified a mistake or omission?

Let us know

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We're proud of our recent awards!

  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

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At this time we are unable to offer free trials or product demonstrations directly to students. If you discover that our solutions are not available to you, we encourage you to advocate at your university for a best-in-class learning experience that will help you long after you've completed your degree. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.