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A historical and future view of technology spending intent and demand
Businesses require timely predictive information on changes in consumer and enterprise technology spending. This information would allow them to anticipate periods of growth, execute targeted sales and marketing efforts at the right time, and shift or scale investments to align with market demand.
S&P Global Market Intelligence Tech Demand Indicator is a representation of near-term intention to spend on technology among businesses and consumers, based on a composite of survey responses from individuals driving technology spending decisions in both categories.
By measuring intention to spend on technology, the Tech Demand Indicator serves as predictive of revenue performance for vendors of B2B and B2C technology. The sentiment is represented as a single time-series number.
The US Tech Demand Indicator is based on a composite of anonymized survey responses from S&P Global’s 451 Alliance, a panel of individuals driving technology spending in both the business and consumer categories. Composite Tech Demand Indicator figures incorporate responses to questions about intention to spend on technology in both the immediate and longer term.
Published Tech Demand Indicator reports include data figures that indicate aggregate intention to spend on technology in the short and medium term, as well as comparisons of intent between business market sectors and consumer demographic categories, and supporting survey-based information on spending drivers and market conditions.
Reports are released quarterly, providing forward-looking insights into the intention of buyers to spend on technology. The Tech Demand Indicator is a reliable indicator of US technology spend across multiple segments.
Helps users to anticipate market growth, identify opportunities, benchmark performance, and plan strategically.
This signal is based on a proprietary and historical dataset, connects signals from across S&P Global data sources, and enables deeper dives via supporting data and analyst expertise.
Anticipate periods of growth, execute targeted sales and marketing efforts at the right time, and shift or scale investments to align with market demand.
S&P Global Market Intelligence Tech Demand Indicator is a representation of near-term intention to spend on technology among businesses and consumers, based on a composite of survey responses from individuals driving technology spending decisions in both categories.