Blog — 10 Jun, 2021

Q&A: Leveraging Natural Language Processing to Speed Read Company Filings

Our recent webinar entitled “Speed Reading 10-K & 10-Q Company Filings” walked investors and analysts through the steps required to systematically extract value from the textual content within filings. Joe Gits, President of Social Market Analytics, and Frank Zhao, Senior Director of Quantamental Research, S&P Global Market Intelligence, covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • Reviewing how different formatting conventions of 10-Ks and 10-Qs are used to clean, reconcile, and standardize information for a machine-readable state.
  • Leveraging a technique from linguistics and NLP called cosine similarity to identify year-over-year textual revisions in filings.
  • Comparing the richness and the incremental information among the major sections.
  • Describing how Quality and Trend Following (Momentum) relate to 10-K textual changes.
  • Evaluating the impact of small versus large textual revisions on stock returns and volatilities.

In this blog, we share questions from the attendees and the responses from Frank Zhao, Senior Director of Quantamental Research, S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Question: If you are doing year-over-year comparisons, how do you deal with quarterly filings that refer to the previous quarter's filing? For example, comparing the 10-Q from Q2 2020 to Q2 2019, and the Q2 2019 says something about Q1 2019 filing and the risk factor. Wouldn't this impact your analysis?

Frank Zhao, S&P Global Market Intelligence: Having more apples-to-apples comparisons is especially important for the Risk Factors section. Given this, we constantly monitor the length of this section in the 10-Qs. When it is below a minimum threshold in terms of the number of words (i.e., 100 words from the Loughran-McDonald[1] Master Dictionary), we then bring in the content from the Risk Factors section in the latest 10-K preceding the 10-Q in question.  The dictionary provides a means of determining which collections of characters are actual words, which is important for consistency in word counts. The dictionary also contains sentiment classifications, counts across all filings, and has other useful information about each word.

Question: Once you compute the cosine similarity, how do you build your long and short positions? Do you go long $1 in all the top 10% of non-changes and short $1 on the bottom 10% of changes?

Frank Zhao, S&P Global Market Intelligence: In the analysis that you have seen in our presentation, it is a quintile return spread. So we are betting on 20% of the filers with the greatest year-over-year textual similarity. Then we want to stay away from, or short, the 20% of filers with the least textual similarity. They [the two portfolios] are not dollar-neutral. The stocks in each of the portfolios are equally weighted.

What is also interesting about this category of textual similarity strategy is that the values (i.e., the scores) tend to be very clustered together. But what we have noticed is that even small year-over-year revisions in the text have implications for performance (i.e., returns and risks). And, as one makes bets on filers with more extreme changes, the returns actually go higher without adding more risk.

Question: How many holdings are there on either the long or short side?

Frank Zhao, S&P Global Market Intelligence: The universe we analyzed is pretty broad. It is based on the Russell 3000, and then we have approximately 90+% of historical coverage, so about 2,700 firms. We have about 470 to 480 firms in the portfolio of buys and the portfolio of sells.

Question: How do you handle the incremental words in a given section over time when calculating the similarity scores?

Frank Zhao, S&P Global Market Intelligence: Everything else being the same, cosine similarity actually tends to favor documents that are longer in length. So, if you refer to the slide with the cosine similarity construction, one of the things that we do, besides calculating the term frequency-inverse document frequency, is to normalize by length. We take the Euclidean normal, such that when we are measuring two texts, we normalize and make them of equal length.

Question: Does your analysis have a size bias, going long on the small firms and short on the big ones?

Frank Zhao, S&P Global Market Intelligence: The results that we show in the presentation are based on the Russell 3000. If you decompose the results down to the Russell 1000, a proxy for the larger caps, and the Russell 2000, a proxy for the smaller caps, the inferences do not change. It is true that within the Russell 1000 there is some attenuation in performance.

What is also interesting is that the year-over-year textual similarity signal in the MD&A section tends to work a bit better among the smaller cap stocks whereas in the Risk Factors section tends to work better among the larger cap stocks.

Question: What was the trading frequency of the cosine similarity strategy?

Frank Zhao, S&P Global Market Intelligence: [The trading frequency] of all the analysis that you see is monthly periodicity. We rebalance at every calendar month end with a look-back window of four months.

Question: How do you prevent overfitting from your NLP process?

Frank Zhao, S&P Global Market Intelligence: We don't have a training period. We don't go through an exhaustive amount of analytics and then correlate the scores from each to forward returns to see which one actually shows significance. The issue with this is that a signal does extremely well in periods where it has seen the data, but once new and previously unseen data comes in, the signal decays very quickly to noise.

So, what we do with our work is that we try to come up with economic hypotheses beforehand, whether from literature or from our domain knowledge in equity investing, and try to think about why a particular signal may be priced by market participants through two lenses. One lens is risk-based where investors are getting compensated with extra returns for taking on additional risk. The other, which is the crux of this presentation, is rooted in behavioral finance. Behavioral biases that we humans have and the signals try to exploit those biases.

In this case, it is the sheer size of the filings that investors have trouble reading and processing. And then the changes are subtle, which may be hard to pick up without the help of computers.

[1] Loughran, T., and B. McDonald. “When is a Liability not a Liability? Textual Analysis, Dictionaries, and 10-Ks.” Journal of Finance 66 (2011): 35-65.

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Q&A: Leveraging Natural Language Processing to Speed Read Company Filings

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