United Kingdom
Instead of purchasing the six biggest utilities' assets – which would cost about £124 billion to buy, according to Bloomberg News – Corbyn suggested bringing local distribution companies into public ownership.
"This is not a return to the 20th century model of nationalization but a catapult into 21st century public ownership," U.K. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said in a speech Feb. 10. Source: Thinkstock |
"With the national grid in public hands we can put tackling climate change at the heart of our energy system, committing to renewable generation from tidal to onshore wind," he said.
Buying the energy companies could cost between £24 billion and £36 billion, according to an April 2016 report from the University of Greenwich. David Hall, the report's author, wrote that the U.K. could save up to £3.2 billion a year and reduce households' bills by 10%.
"We need a new ... energy network that is diverse, decentralized and publicly owned," Cat Hobbs, the director of We Own It, a London-based not-for-profit organization that focuses on ending privatization of public services, said in an email. "This will help us boost renewables and get the clean green energy we need."
National Grid plc, which runs the transmission network and is not being targeted by Corbyn, disagreed with the Labour Party's push for decentralization. "There is no evidence that the large cost and distraction of nationalization would deliver the stability and long-term investment our energy networks need to continue the work towards a green energy future that is already underway," a spokesperson said in an email.
CGN Power has struggled with major delays and cost overruns for its third-generation nuclear project in the city of Taishan, in Guangdong province, in addition to dealing with increasing competition in the country's nuclear industry. According to the World Nuclear Association, China is expected to increase its nuclear power generation capacity by 70%, to 58 GW, by the early 2020s. It has been a world leader in installed nuclear power capacity since 2012, as the country looks to replace fossil fuels, particularly coal, in its electricity supply.
Under Brazil's energy plan through 2026, the government wants nearly half of its domestic energy mix to come from non-hydro renewable energy sources. Large hydropower plants account for around 80% of domestic electricity generation today, according to the International Energy Agency.
* The European Union
* Vietnam
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