08 Jan 2021 | 17:48 UTC — London

Synthos confirms fire at Dwory ESBR unit in Poland

London — European elastomers producer Synthos suffered a fire in the emulsion styrene butadiene rubber production unit at its Synthos Dwory (Oswiecim) site in Poland, the company confirmed in a statement Jan. 8.

The fire occurred in the evening of Jan. 7, with no other production units "significantly impacted," the company said.

The site -- Europe's second largest SBR production unit -- has a total capacity of 270,000 mt/year.

The company said the fire was extinguished within 45 minutes, with the ESBR production unit idled. Investigations were underway to determine the "causes and estimates of losses," the company said.

S&P Global Platts has contacted Synthos for further comments.
