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A S&P DJI combina o alcance global com o conhecimento local e trabalha com bolsas de valores em todo o mundo a fim de criar índices para as comunidades de investimento locais e globais.
Há mais de 20 anos, o nosso renomado estudo SPIVA mede a performance de fundos de gestão ativa contra os seus benchmarks em todo o mundo.
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Nossos serviços
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Nossas Relações com Bolsas de Valores
A S&P DJI combina o alcance global com o conhecimento local e trabalha com bolsas de valores em todo o mundo a fim de criar índices para as comunidades de investimento locais e globais.
Pesquisa e Perspectivas
Relatório de Desempenho
Há mais de 20 anos, o nosso renomado estudo SPIVA mede a performance de fundos de gestão ativa contra os seus benchmarks em todo o mundo.
Eventos e Webinars
Registre-se para participar de webinars gratuitos e aprofundar seu conhecimento de tendências e questões que hoje impactam o mundo dos índices.
Your Gateway to Index Data
Serviços da S&P Global
Tópicos em Destaque
Produtos em Destaque
Oportunidades de Trabalho
A S&P DJI está comprometida com o contínuo envolvimento e cooperação com nossas partes interessadas regulamentares. Nossos processos, políticas e procedimentos internos estão alinhados com as melhores práticas da indústria, bem como com as regras e regulamentos que impactam nossos negócios.
Os Princípios da IOSCO para Benchmarks Financeiros articulam diretrizes de políticas e princípios para atividades relacionadas a benchmarks.
Informações sobre regulamentos implementados pela UE e algumas outras jurisdições no que diz respeito ao uso de índices financeiros.
O Regulamento de Benchmarks da UE se aplica ao uso de, provisão de e contribuição para índices usados como referências financeiras na UE. Saiba mais sobre a regulação no que diz respeito à S&P DJI através dos seguintes recursos
Resposta da S&P DJI aos fundos UCITS |
Situação de Regulação de Benchmarks na União Europeia da S&P DJI e Preguntas frequentes |
Portal de Registro da ESMA |
Para solicitar que índices sejam considerados para revisão regulamentar, por favor nos envie um e-mail. Para acesso a todas as Declarações sobre benchmarks, visite a nossa página de Metodologias.
A Regulamentação da UE sobre Benchmarks, conforme emendada pela Regulamentação da UE sobre Benchmarks de Transição Climática, Benchmarks da UE alinhados com o Acordo de Paris e divulgações relacionadas à sustentabilidade para benchmarks, entrou em vigor em dezembro de 2020 (Regulamentação da UE sobre Benchmarks de Baixas Emissões de Carbono). A Regulamentação da UE sobre Benchmarks de Baixas Emissões de Carbono exigiu aos administradores de benchmarks divulgar vários dados relacionados à sustentabilidade. Para mais informações sobre a Regulamentação da UE sobre Benchmarks de Baixas Emissões de Carbono, no que diz respeito à S&P DJI, consulte os seguintes recursos.
Acesse documentos e informações relacionadas à administração de benchmarks da IHS Markit no Reino Unido e na UE.
Acesse informações sobre índices que podem ser usados na União Europea e outras jurisdições. Solicite que índices sejam considerados para revisão regulamentar.
Através dos factsheets da seção 871(m), a S&P DJI proporciona aos seus clientes as informações necessárias para determinar de maneira independente se um índice específico é um “índice qualificado” para efeitos da Seção 871(m) do Código da Receita Federal (IRS) dos EUA.
VER TUDOA S&P DJI fornece dados suplementares para ajudar os licenciados a cumprir com suas respectivas exigências de transparência regulamentar para produtos de investimento. Estes dados podem ser acessados aqui com base no país ou região a que pertencem.
Clickwrap Agreement
Thank you for your interest in S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC’s ("S&P DJI") report, including those portions prepared by Ernst & Young LLP ("EY") (the "Report") on its adherence with the criteria of the Principles for Financial Benchmarks Final Report published by the Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions ("IOSCO") dated as of July 2013 and available online at URL http://www.fsa.go.jp/inter/ios/20130718-1/03.pdf (the "IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks" or the "Principles").
This Report is intended solely for the information and use of S&P DJI, user entities and prospective user entities of S&P DJI’s benchmarks, entities providing services to such user entities, and regulators, and others who have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the following:
In order to access the Report, you must accept the following terms and conditions listed in Paragraphs 1 through 9 below by clicking "I ACCEPT". Once you click "I ACCEPT" your acceptance is final. To cancel, or if you do not agree to the following terms and conditions, click "CANCEL."
By clicking on the "I ACCEPT" button below, you agree, on behalf of yourself and the entity obtaining access to the Report hereunder (the "Recipient"), to be bound by all of the below covenants, understandings, terms and conditions. Such acceptance and agreement shall be deemed to be as effective as a written signature by you, the recipient of the Report (also referred to herein as, the Recipient), and this agreement shall be deemed to satisfy any writings requirement of any applicable law.
The Recipient understands that the Services were undertaken, and the Report was prepared, solely for the information and use of S&P DJI and its specified users, and was not intended for use by any other persons. EY has made no representation or warranty to the Recipient as to the sufficiency of the Services, or otherwise with respect to the Report. Had EY been engaged to perform additional services or procedures, other matters might have come to EY’s attention that would have been addressed in the Report.
The Services did not constitute (1) an audit, review or examination of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, (2) an examination of prospective financial statements in accordance with applicable professional standards, or (3) a review to detect fraud or illegal acts. The Services did not include any procedures to test compliance with the laws or regulations of any jurisdiction.
The Recipient further acknowledges and agrees that it does not acquire any rights against EY, any other member firm of the global EY network, or any of their respective affiliates, partners, agents, representatives or employees (collectively, the "EY Parties"), and EY assumes no duty or liability to the Recipient in connection with the Services or the Report. The Recipient may not rely on the Report and will not contend that any provisions of United States or state securities laws could invalidate or avoid any provision of this agreement.
In addition, except where compelled by legal process (of which the Recipient shall promptly inform EY and tender to EY, if EY so elects, the defense thereof), the Recipient will not disclose, orally or in writing, the Report or any portion thereof, or make any reference to EY in connection therewith, in any public document or to any third party.
The Recipient (for itself and its successors and assigns) hereby releases each of the EY Parties from any and all claims or causes of action that it has, or hereafter may or shall have, against them in connection with the Report, the Recipient’s access to the Report, or EY’s performance of the Services. The Recipient shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the EY Parties from and against all claims, liabilities, losses and expenses suffered or incurred by any of them arising out of or in connection with (1) any breach of this agreement by the Recipient or its representatives; and/or (2) any use or disclosure of, or reliance on, the Report or any portion thereof to or by any other party that obtains access to the Report, directly or indirectly, from or through the Recipient or at its request.
In order to continue, you must accept the terms and conditions set forth above by clicking “I ACCEPT.” Once you click “I ACCEPT” your acceptance is final. To cancel, or if you do not agree to the terms and conditions set forth above, click “CANCEL.”
IOSCO Documents
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