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Corporate Sustainability Assessment

What is the CSA?

The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) leads the field in helping companies make the link between sustainability and their business strategies.

Covering over 13,000 companies globally, the CSA is an annual evaluation of a company’s sustainability practices. It enables you to benchmark your company’s performance on a wide range of industry-specific economic, environmental, and social criteria that are relevant to the growing number of sustainability-focused investors and are expected to be financially relevant to your corporate success.

Leverage the unique expertise and the proprietary methodology underlying the Dow Jones Best-in-Class Indices as well as S&P Scored & Screened Indices (renaming effective February 10, 2025).


Our Approach

In 2023, over 3,500 companies actively participated in the CSA – up from 3,000 in 2022. The CSA compares companies across 62 industries via industry-specific questionnaires that assess, on average, 23 sustainability topics in 110 questions. Based on their performance, companies receive scores ranging from 0 to 100 and percentile rankings for financially relevant sustainability criteria.

Participating companies represent half of global market capitalization (relative to the S&P Global Market Index). Participants represent half of the companies in the S&P Global LargeMid Cap index, 60% of companies in the S&P 500 index, and 63% of companies in the S&P Global 1200 index. Over the past 25 years, as the CSA has grown into a leading corporate sustainability database, it has also attracted the interest of capital market stakeholders. Since becoming available on the S&P Global Capital IQ Pro platform three years ago, ESG Scores calculated from the CSA are used by clients across 49 countries overseeing $38.4 trillion in assets under management (AUM) to benchmark corporate performance, manage investment portfolios, allocate financial capital, build engagement strategy, and much more.

To ensure the quality and objectivity of the CSA, S&P Global voluntarily appoints an independent third party, Deloitte, to conduct an external audit of the assessment process each year.

Download the assurance statement

Why Participate

As sustainability considerations become more critical to capital markets, the CSA enables us to provide you and your stakeholders with a relevant and comprehensive sustainability assessment. Participating companies cite these top three motivations to engage: increasing visibility with sustainability-focused investors, learning from CSA results, and enhancing reputation with internal and external stakeholders.

See Benefits

  • 3,500 participating companies
  • 62 industry-specific questionnaires
  • 23 sustainability topics
  • Sandeep Chadna Chief Sustainability Officer, Tech Mahindra
    The S&P Global CSA is both your yardstick to measure how we are doing, and our lighthouse to know how we should be. It helps us review, introspect and implement a strategy that impacts positively and creates a sustainable value for all our stakeholders.

A History of

What started out as a paper-based questionnaire in 1999 has now grown into one of the world’s most extensive corporate sustainability tools and has become the basis for numerous ESG Indices. To ensure that our analysis remains focused on financially material criteria, we continuously refine our methodology to reflect new sustainability trends that are likely to have an impact on companies’ competitive landscape.

Ready to get started?

See timeline