The road transportation sector accounts for 22%* of the world's energy consumption. With the shift from gasoline-powered to electrified vehicles, both oil companies and utilities need to adapt. And as fuel efficiency and emissions policies differ by country, the pace of change varies significantly from region to region. But the momentum is growing and EVs are the future. The future of the auto industry is electric. S&P Global can help energy and utility companies navigate the transition. We can help you understand:
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*Transportation sector as a whole accounted for 29% of the world's energy consumption in 2021 with road transportation accounting for 22%. Source: S&P Global Commodity Insights
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Electrification, Powertrain and Compliance Solutions
The most comprehensive coverage of current and future engines, transmissions and alternative propulsions.
EV Charging Infrastructure Forecasts
Seizing the opportunity for public charging infrastructure. What are the future needs? How many charging points are needed and where?
Mobility and Energy Future
From monthly updates on EV sales, analysis of new policy and business developments, to scenario-based outlooks that extend to 2050
Automotive Industry Analysis
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