IQ Product Market Outlook Spring Webinars
Join the IHS Markit IQ Product Spring Market Outlook Webinars
Register to attend or watch the replay of these webinars.
For more information, please contact Bill Redman.
NAM Frac and Pressure Pumping Market
NAM Frac and Pressure Pumping Market
Wednesday, March 02, 2016
11:00 AM ET/ 10:00 AM CT
During this webinar, IHS Markit will discuss the Outlook for North American Pressure Pumping, covering forecasts for frac demand, supply, utilization, pricing, trends, and constraints across key North American Plays.
Learn more.
NAM Proppant Market
NAM Proppant MarketWednesday, March 16, 2016
11:00 AM ET/ 10:00 AM CT
During this webinar, IHS Markit will discuss the outlook for US proppant supply, demand, and pricing, by play and proppant type (sand, resin-coated sand, ceramics). This will include logistics and transloading analysis along with a marginal cost curve build up.
Learn more.
NAM Water and Oilfield Chemicals
NAM Water and Oilfield ChemicalsWednesday, March 30, 2016
11:00 AM ET/ 10:00 AM CT
During this webinar, IHS Markit will discuss the outlook for NAM Oilfield Water and Chemicals. This includes in-depth analysis of stimulation chemicals market and trends, a market overview report and deep-dive reports on 8 key chemical categories (e.g. Crosslinker, HCl and Gelling Agents).
Learn More.
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